True Gospel Christian Church was birthed on the premise of keeping Christ at the head of His church. Our passion is to remain true to the Gospel message and to walk boldly and uncompromisingly submitted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Church Unusual – True Gospel is described as church Unusual meaning the way it was usually done in the beginning. True Gospel is a church that models itself after the teaching of Jesus and the early New Testament church found in the Book of Acts.
We know God as the Creator who gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to redeem us from sin and its penalty through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus, in turn, sent us the Holy Spirit to equip, empower, and endue us with gifts to do the work of the ministry here on earth, as it is in heaven.
As does its pastor, True Gospel Christian Church has a strong belief and commitment to remain free from the bondage, entanglement, and subservient position that comes from being a debtor. For this reason, True Gospel Christian Church makes an open commitment to keep the Lord’s local church free from debt as we live by the principles of God’s Word. We are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath; therefore, we will place no authority over this church other than the Lord Jesus. True Gospel Christian Church is a New Testament, non-denominational church that simply wants to love God, reflect Jesus by loving our neighbor, and does not compromise or settle for anything less than what the Word of God says.
VISION: Bear Witness of the Truth.
MISSION: By living the Word we will lead others to the Truth that will guide them on their Way to a better Life in Christ Jesus.